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The Human Design

Leadership System​​​​


A new leadership self-discovery system​

Experience something different...

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About The Human Design Leadership System

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A New Leadership Self-Discovery Tool​​​​

This leadership self-discovery tool is not for everyone... However, if you're open to a slightly different way of tapping in to your leadership potential, then continue reading... Human Design is a spiritual scientific system based on your name, date, time and place of birth. This information is used to generate a chart called a bodygraph or a blueprint. This powerful visual representation reveals your innate strengths, challenges, potential, gifts, and purpose, all imprinted within you at birth. According to the Human Design system, you are born with innate traits and qualities that are unique and personal to you. You are one of one - truly unique! In the world of Human Design, it is believed that the planetary energies are all in a specific place when you are born. As you come through this energy stream (also known as a neutrino stream), you become imprinted with certain qualities and traits that make you who you are (this is also known as your blueprint).  As a leader, aligning with your natural way of being through Human Design can enhance self-understanding and improve your ability to lead authentically. Recognising your innate qualities allows you to leverage and optimise your natural talents more effectively. Human Design helps you navigate external influences and conditioning, enabling you to lead in a way that feels right for you. By leading according to your true nature, you can optimise your leadership skills and capabilities, enabling you to positively impact people, productivity and results

Free Download - An Introduction to the Human Design Leadership System

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Human Design Leadership


Our Founder, Bijal Shah, is a distinguished Human Design Specialist, trained by The International School of Human Design. Leaders seeking a transformative journey of self-discovery can benefit from Bijal's expertise in navigating their unique Human Design leadership blueprint.


This approach empowers leaders to harness their innate traits and qualities, optimising their leadership effectiveness.


If you're interested in exploring a new and insightful leadership tool, book a session now and download your free Human Design Leadership Guide.

Benefits Of Human Design Leadership

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Strategic Planning

Communication & Emotional Intelligence

Building Relationships



Positive Work Culture




Creating Team Dynamics 


Goal Setting 


Heightened Self-Awareness 


Personal Growth 



Information Required to Generate Your Human Design Leadership Blueprint


Full Name
(including any middle names)


Date of Birth
(day, month and year)

Time of Birth
(exact time, e.g. 11:32am)

Place of Birth
(including town and country

Example of a Human Design Leadership Blueprint

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Your distinct traits that shape and influence your leadership style.
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The best operating strategy for your natural leadership style to attract opportunities and perform effectively.


The best way for you to make decisions that align with your inner- self.
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Consistency & Expansion

Your reliable energetic traits and areas for growth and expansion.

What is Discussed During a Human Design Leadership reading?

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Your natural abilities that can be leveraged to maximise leadership effectiveness.



Your distinctive strengths can be harnessed to drive significant and transformative impact.
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You innate way of collaborating with others.


The essence of how you project and articulate your energetic traits.



Your internal leadership behaviour traits that guide you in maximising opportunities.
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The overarching theme of your leadership purpose.


How your natural leadership traits and qualities are influenced.
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Primary Health System (PHS)

The four arrows on your Human Design leadership blueprint represent the Primary Health System (PHS), an advanced sub-structure within your chart. PHS enhances your awareness of what is healthy and aligned for your unique blueprint, enabling you to lead more effectively by being in good health. Each person has different health requirements, as we are all energetically unique. What works for one person may not work for another. PHS does not prescribe a specific diet or exercise regimen; instead, it highlights the health features within your blueprint that, if followed, would optimise your health and wellbeing. Understanding your unique PHS provides an aligned health framework that feels natural and right for your inner being. When you maximise your health, you also maximise your leadership and life potential. The advanced Human Design PHS chart will show you: Determination: The best way for you to digest food and take in life. Environment: The most optimal setting for you to thrive. Perspective: How you are meant to see the world when aligned with your environment. Motivation: Your innate driving force and the intentions behind your actions.

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